The ten most powerful words!

There is in life some powerful words. To have your little toddler wobble over to you, grab your leg, then look up at you and say “I love you”, then just wobble away not wanting anything in return. That’s some powerful words. But as a Christians there is a Bible verse that will help reshape your life and give you hope and STRENGTH. The jest of this verse is reminding YOU that you CAN! The verse is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Realize that you can live forever in Heaven. Everyone will live forever,somewhere – Luke 16:19-23. But though we are all sinners, God still loves us and Jesus Christ will forgive you and give unto you eternal live in Heaven                   – John 5:24

Not only can you live forever in Heaven through Jesus Christ, but you can live FREE. Sin can make you a slave, it can put you in bondage, but only Jesus can make you free – John 8:32-36. You do not have to serve your “vices” you can live free.

We also know that through Jesus we can live life to the fullest. Where sin did abound, God’s grace did much more abound, and in this life that Jesus gives unto you, He wants you to live it more abundantly- John 10:10. You can do it through Jesus Christ because He is the One who gives you STRENGTH!Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download