A God of order

Going through my morning devotions I noticed a truth that helped me tremendously. God was giving Moses instructions on building the Tabernacle and every instruction was a precise measurement. (Exodus 25-27)

Precise measurements may not seem like a “big deal”, most people would have have been fine with God telling Moses on the measurements to just “be about, be around” a certain number in the measurements, but that’s not how our God operates. God is a God of order and of precision.

That truth this morning aided me in my thoughts and prayers because there are a lot of people I know that are hurting even  this morning. I have dear friends that have been forced from the mission field due to illness, a dear Saint laying in an hospital bed while her loved ones hear the doctors say she won’t live through the weekend and there are so many more to continue on with my writing, and one is apt to get discouraged or even angry until they realize we serve a God of order and though we may not understand the “whys” of any particular circumstance, we know our God does. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

Romans 8:28 means a whole lot more when you realize our God is a God of order and He loves us!